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Denver Indian Food
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4/23/2010 3:49:38 PM

icon Gulab Jamun Recipe Used By Indian Restaurants With Milk Powder
  Require Ingredients
1. Milk Powder ---------------------------------- 3 cups
2. All Purpose flour (maida)--------------------- 1 cup
3. Baking Powder -------------------------------- a pinch of
4. Milk ----------------------------------------- 1/2 cup
5. Water ---------------------------------------- 1/2 cup
6. Heavy Cream ---------------------------------- 1/2 cup
7. Oil ------------------------------------------ For Frying, based on size of your pan
8. Sugar ---------------------------------------- 3 cups
9. Green Cardamoms ------------------------------ 2

First make sugar Syrup : -

=>Take a pot and add 3 cups of water and add Sugar.
=>Add 2 Green Cardamoms in the water.
=>Bring the water to boil.
=>Let it boil for 15 minutes. ( Keep the pot covered with a lid , just leave a bit of a =>room for steam to escape.)
=>Once the syrup has thickened a bit then keep it aside.

To make Gulab Jamun balls

In the mixing bowl :
=>Add Milk Powder
=>Add all purpose flour (maida) and a pinch of baking Soda
=>Add 1/2 cup of milk
=>Add cream
=>Knead mixture into a dough.
=>Adjust the quantity of cream to make a tight dough.

Put the pan on very low heat with the oil for deep frying. ( IMPORTANT Very Low Heat )

Make small balls of the dough and use some oil on your hands to make a smooth and shiny ball of the size of a cherry.

Once the balls have turned dark brown then transfer them in the sugar syrup.

Yummy Gulab Jamuns are ready.

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